Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Gods of the Hills

One good thing (not the only one) of staying in this part of the world is that the Eid holidays are just as long as I like them. Long enough to get me completely rejuvenated and short enough to hold my attention. This year I did a bit of travelling - and I quite surprised myself by choosing a hill station. Emphasis on hills. Like a friend insists, whatever those were I saw, they were definitely not mountains. Nevertheless, it was a deviation all the same - from my routine choice of chill spots. I chose hills over the sea. A virgin little hill station called Munnar in place they say is God's Own Country. (Not quite sure why any other place would be God's Borrowed Country anyway?!? Besides Kerela is NOT a country - hear hear!) However issuing yet another poetic license, I have to agree that the place was breathtaking.

The distant blue hills, the green valleys closer, the old mossed up rocks, the unknown trickle of water that becomes a waterfall, the rich green tea estates, the constant slight drizzle, the steep bending roads, the dark overcast sky, the old bunglow type guest house, the wooden ornate furniture, the fresh spiced brewing tea and the warmth of the fire. It left me slightly moved inside. Probably heightened by the lack of expectation. The first few hours I think I just swallowed in the air that smelt so familiar in a land I'd never been before. Reminding me of my childhood when family excursions to the more popular and near raped Northern hill stations of India. Quite a zilch compared to this place I suddenly found myself in. Though I agree, much would have to do with the difference of age and the capability to appreciate the surroundings.

Over the next 3 days that I spent in the place, I think I found new silly little things that gave me highly illogical (to the point of insane) ecstasy. Some little yellow flower with dew drops on it or a little ravine that I believe only I knew existed, a small little cavern that led to a much larger cave and drops of warm water that trickled down ice cold rocks. Logic tells me there must have been a million other people who found the same things I believe I discovered. But somehow nobody wanted to taint this place with a rude Bunty Loves Babli - Jan 1987. It was all left untouched, unscathed by every visitor for the next one to feel as powerful as (s)he did when they make the discovery. Quite God-like I must say. No wonder they call it God's Own Country.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Ramadan Kareem

It was pitch dark as she groped around for her phone. The bloody alarm was loud enough to wake up the locality! She groaned as she remembered swearing was taboo during Ramadan. And thats precisely why she was awake at an insane 4 am anyway. Finally having found the damn phone and having switched off the ever persistent alarm, she lazily pushed the covers away instantly feeling the chill off the ac giving her goosebumps just about everywhere. Smirking at the effectiveness of artificiality, she walked groggily upto the microwave to warm the food she'd kept aside for Sehri. While the food warmed, she stood beside the machine, listening to its gentle purr now magnified to a groan... flashbacking into the evening before.

She'd never been conventionally religious. And all through her life, people looked at her somewhat quizzically; as if an unreligious Muslim was as good as being agnostic. It always tore her - but not as much as she was torn that evening. She had always had an inclination to fast during the holy month. Not sure why, not sure what it was, that drove her to embrace this one practise out of the five pillars every Muslim was asked to abide by. But this year, something was different. But this year, somehow it wasn't the same heady feeling which she had every other year - to blindly do what her heart asked her to. This year she asked for a reason - more from herself than anyone else. And she had been looking for one for sometime, but was unable to find any. It was almost time to give up. They had declared Ramadan at work - notices issued by the Government, new work timings were out and some pro active people had even sent out a few hasty Ramadan wishes. But it had not begun for her this year. And she was wondering why.

As she walked on through the unusual festivities in the otherwise posh (read: unstirred) locality, she searched for a sign that might mean something more than the mundane. She's reached her building - stood holding the handle to the door staring into the face staring back at her. And suddenly it all rushed into her mind. It was she. The reason she looked for was faith. Was how without an inclination, faith sprang forth in the mind and heart of a woman otherwise oblivious to religion. Realisation spread through her veins in tandem with warmth and contentment - she had found her reason at last. She looked up at the kohl dark night sky and smiled in satisfaction. Her chaand had been sighted.

Ramadan Kareem.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Creation in Prose

The Universe melts. And a drop of molten heat falls on me. Sparkling dew on Golden skin. And somewhere deep deep down a yelp of fire engulfs the spirit. And the soul waits. Waits alone. In solitary confinement within the skin.

The clock ticks by. Ticks by the edges of patience. And somewhere in between all the pain, passion trickles down. Titillates the warm skin with a light coolness. A new paradox in creation. And the Universe bends down in reverence. The Sun performs the ritual of destruction. Green with jealousy and red with envy. The Stars look on in awe. Twinkling their eyes in unison. The Winds get rough and the sands blow into the face. To cover the tingling Skin with sand and salt. Salt from the Heart of the deep blue Ocean. Blue like the middle of a wanton Night. Nights I would throw caution to the abandoned winds. Bluer than the eyes of Eve. And a lot more Sinful. Dark and aphotic. Where Light rebels against the cobwebs of Insecurity to exist. Exist in a world of Reverie.

Monday, July 30, 2007

An open wound

She was in pain. As pin pricks shot through her body, she shut her eyes as if to distance herself from reality. And true enough, the pain subsided. Wonders, she wondered and opened her eyes to see him holding her hand. She was a little take aback, to say the truth. She needed all the support in the world, but her battered ego would not accept it, or atleast to him. 

Overcome by numbness, her soul comfortably settled into over dependancy- the only solace it could sink into every moment, without being asked for an explanation, an excuse or a reason. She bled my wound religiously - spilling the bad blood out. The deep intense red a reminder of each painful prick of pain she silently swallowed until every nerve screamed out in a chorus of agony. Silent, sadistic, gliding through silver nights swaying golden skin to the rhythm of pain - until it became music. And then, as if an anticlimax, right where he held her hand the little river of red disappeared into the hollow of his palm. All the while holding her gaze with fierce intensity, he dropped his mouth to it and licked the end of the river. Your blood is now mine, he said.

Let's bleed together then - let's sway to this rhythm together.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

To The Girl Next Door

We rush out of the lift in a hurry - our minds filled with a million 'have to do rightaway' things -everyday. After breakfast and after lunch, together - deligently and carelessly. But somehow, everyday it slips my mind that just two steps beyond the lift, you turn to a different direction. Or is it I? I'm not sure which. Just that a few steps later I hear your faint "See Ya!" And thats what wakes me up again. Its not so far away - where you sit. Maybe a door or two between us. Legally, we're part of the same organisation, but there's so much more than just walls between us. In the aura of the same walls that seem majestic, you and I blend into different tides. Write official letters to eachother - and call it business we make money out of. Or don't, I'm not too sure.

And then we meet again, at the lift. Laughing and eager to share all the million experiences we experienced seperately, being different parts of the same organisation. And this time the "Hi!" is so much more audible. My Hi.

Monday, July 2, 2007


Sometimes. When the sky turns pink
And the orange orb melts into the oblivion,
I sit down with the coffee life made
And think, sipping, a careful sip.
About life, love and togetherness. And of course you.

Life is wonderful but quite odd at times
They say all that happens is how you see it-
I see you happy today, smiling
I see your smile amidst flowers and people
People who have prayed that this smile of yours remains. Forever.

Love they say is everywhere,
I thought it was just another proverb.
Until I saw the two of you. And looked around.
And saw love in the cake, in the vows and the ring.
In the glass and the drink. Intoxicating.

Togetherness is warmth,
Even with miles apart
Even with a crowd between us
Sitting on opposite corners of the room
We will remain together and I will be there for you. Eternally.

And the Rain Washes it Away

A drop of Blood on a Broken vase,
The flowers have withered away-
The leaves are all dead and sore,
But yes, the Thorns remain.
Pain oozes out of the stems,
But the Rain washes it away.

No, not the blood.
Diluted but not displaced-
Beauty. Sorrow. And truth.
The storm has magnified destruction;
Torn the plant apart, ravaged the leaves,
Burnt the petals, left the Thorns to rot.
Yet, the Rain washes it away.

Genres of generation,
Decades of existence;
One last moment of the Sun on the Dew:
The Earth breathes heavy vapours,
A life is silently crushed to nothingness. . .
And the rain washes it away.

Difficult Beginnings

So here's a cheers to me - to finally ending up doing what I intended to do about 5 years ago. Yes i am lazy, sloppy and extremely slow with self indulgence. But hey, at least I've got a memory good enough to retain unfulfilled promises to myself...

And hopefully I'll be a little more sincere with this than I am with my breakfasts, for example.